Sunday, May 24, 2009
Products decor on the wall - Eumora, Fibrena, Chloreana, NMA.
Arthur conducting private LEADERSHIP training for us traders. Youngsters to sit down while the available seats were for the elderly. Response is too good! Our office was filled with traders!
Angel doing Chinese translation for Arthur - cos there are some traders who don't understand English. But it's alright! Anyone of any nationality can do our SIMPLE and EASY business! Guess what - we have Australians in our business group lehx.. we are expanding further beyond Asia!
Mei sharing on how to just focus, decide and go for your GOALS and LEVELS of the month! Persistance and Perseverance will create Miracles eventually!
Max giving a briefing to one of his biz teams - Jimmy and his pals listening attentively! Learning how to earn big cheques is not something we can learn in school leh. So must listen and learn from successful businessmen!
Some traders from Malaysia - came all the way to Singapore just for the leadership session! Yes Commitment is important in order to succeed in whatever you do! Look at that grandpa - he is already over 70 years old! See the attractiveness of our business? Even grandparents are joining us as traders and suppliers!
More private sharing with fellow traders...
Executive Trader Wilson - strategising on how to achieve his GOALS for this month!
Young Executive Traders - Cherie and Wilson. Young and full of drive! We shall drive the business to greater heights and also earn our big cheques every month!
SAB's star products - Eumora, Fibrena, Chloreana and NMA. (for more information, pls view )
posted by: :D @ 12:43 PM
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