Announcing... the arrival of Franchise Trading Model of ESABEE PTE LTD (SAB)!!!
Focusing on Youths, aged 16-30 years old! Current or Ex student leaders preferred.
This is real business for even students in universities, polytechnics, ITES and JCs!!!
Introducing, Arthur Yap, the creator of Franchise Trading business, which started 12 months ago.
(From Left) Arthur Yap and Jet Toh
And Arthur has looked MUCH MUCH Younger than this photo taken 12 months ago.
A little about Arthur:
A lawyer by profession,
At 26, he sat on the Board of Directors in a huge MNC,
At 27, he ventured into business and became an entrepreneur,
At 28, he started earning >$200,000 per month, (10 times MORE than a company director per month!)
At 29, he retired financially!!! Just 2 years into Business!!
Ever since then, he became a global speaker, travelling around the World giving talks and seminars about biz and his success stories. People have to prebook his time 2 YEARS in ADVANCE!! And his fees is 6 digits sum per session!!!
Arthur is back into business after his retirement and he wants a team of youth, that is why we are having the...
Youth Entrepreneur Club

Groups of youths at New Traders' Presentation (NTP)

Seminar is filled weekly with people of all ages, and youngsters 16-30 yrs old are pouring in WEEKLY!
Our business function, held weekly at YMCA Orchard, 8pm-10pm, tickets at $10/pax. Look at how filled our auditorium is! The supply and trading business has attracted so many people to come and understand! Then start believing - do it - and earn big income! 
Times are bad, yet our business is the only thing that keeps producing Growth each month! and the no. of people attending our functions, seminars and conventions also keep increasing!
Arthur loves Youths for their energy, vibrancy and potential. Not much burden, no fear! Young people have alot of energy, but just lack opportunites. With the STAR product, The EUMORA BEAUTY BAR, which can be said what the whole Franchise Trading model is focusing on, it will TAke the World by storm! This is the STAR product which even students has reach out to! REAL BUSINESS! We don't just learn, but EARN as well!
Believe it or not, The pheonomenon will be.....Its either you become the supplier of the bar, or you be sold the bar. ISLAND WIDE. WORLDWIDE.
So what if there's good product? Not all can do it! This is where Arthur comes in again.... With Arthur's business experience, a good coaching system is necessary. An organisation, for it to be successful, it requires not only talents, but a proven, successful system. Weekly review at weekends will be held and a monthly business seminar conducted by Arthur will be held at YMCA ORCHARD as well.

Jet Toh, the head of the Youth Entrepreneur's Club, is a multi-millionaire and he made his million within 3 years into Business. An NTU dean's list graduate, he attained second upper honours and went to PSA as a financial controller. His income was $5K, before he started venturing into biz. Since then, he have started networking with people of all levels in the society.
He is also the God-son of Nicholas Chia, CEO of World Business Group.
A little about Nicholas Chia:
He was the CEO of Bank of America (Asia Pacific) at the age of 29! With directorships in Singapore & BA Asia Ltd, and helped 36 companies get listed on SGX!
Although Jet's a highly successful person, he is still very humble and willing to coach youths who is willing to do whatever it takes to reach their goals in life. He will head the Singapore Youth Entrepreneur team, a team who sees their future with Franchise trading, and towards Arthur's vision!
Arthur's vision is to become Singapore and Malaysia No. 1 THIS YEAR! 2009!! We are pioneers into Franchise Trading Model and we will travel from Singapore and Malaysia towards..... India, Phillipines, China, the whole of ASIA by 2010 and conquer the World!
Things run via franchise trading. AS the title suggests, We can Franchise and Trade.
Franchise = we can franchise the business to people interested in taking our world patent, Eumora No one can get our patent except through Franchise traders and they can be a franchisee trader.
Trading = we can trade the patented products to anyone. ANYONE. Shops, retail stores, beauty salons, suppliers, export to other countries, etc. Tests our tenacity and entrepreneurial skills.
Communications skills, leadership, Public relations, Adversity Quotient(AQ),Emotional Quotient(EQ), Money making skills, Strategising, Financial management, time management, life planning, goal setting, human behaviour science, influencial skills, sales, art of persuasion will be taught via coaching systems. Taught by who? NOT YOUR SCHOOL TEACHERS! But by people who have been there and ACHIEVED it!
When are youths ever getting get connection to these high calibre people? Where can we get hands-on experience working with top-notch people in the society? When are we able to have the chance to master skills from them? When do we ever get the chance to learn from an ex banker, multi-multi-MULTI millionaire and millionaire who is willing to coach us youngsters?
Coming Thursday, 4 JUNE 2009, Arthur will be in Singapore again, 8pm at YMCA ORCHARD(near DOUBY GHAUT MRT). Because he wants to benefit the youngsters with no financial ability, his seminar is going at a very affordable rate of JUST S$10.00! (His standard will still be World class) If more is to be said, for example on how to run the business, how to do liaisons, how things will run, it will be revealed at NTP clearly next thursday and the coaching session on sat or sunday next.
CATCH YOUR FUNCTION TICKETS NOW AT S$10.00/pax from !!! COME FULFILL YOUR DREAMS AT SAB! Some photos after the function ended.. getting ready for review...

Labels: NTP 052809
posted by: :D @ 12:02 PM
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The turnout for this ever-first SAB Convention held in Singapore Expo was overwhelming! The hall could hold 1500 pax!

Jimmy and his biz team. People mountain people sea leh.. so crowded.. traders of all ages. there were even people (not yet traders) who bought tickets right outside the convention hall and entered to grab hold of this Great Opportunity to learn how to earn huge income - this goes to show how popular our Franchise Trading Business is!

Our lovely mentors/leaders - Angel and Max - getting ready for their stage presentation!

Couple Team - Angel and Max - emcees for today's Convention!
Biz Partners - Cherie and Wilson - targetting their Premier Levels this month!
our 2 new and young traders from Singapore poly! joined the biz less than 2 weeks but they are moving their bars at an incredible speed! wooh hoo - imagine how big these 17-year-olds's cheques are? It simply proves how easy and simple our business is - no experience needed at all!
The start of SAB NEW TRADER CONVENTION... Max and Angel graced the event!

PREMIER TRADER - WeiQiang sharing on why he loves SAB business. This 20-year-old Ngee Ann poly student earned himself a 5-figure cheque this month!

Why WeiQiang(and all of us) love doing this business?
- the coach does all the work for him, while he collects his big cheque! haha =D
- real education outside of school
- great leaders (of millionaire status) to coach us in this biz

June's sharing - June was a kindergarten teacher for 20 years, teaching Chinese, and getting very humble pay cheques every month. But now in SAB, not only she had found a new lease of life, new dreams, she had also learnt how to speak English! The best of all - 5 figure income every month!

Another successful couple biz team - Jet and Serene - sharing his stories on how he finally found the best business to be in. He had tried many different biz but SAB has provided him with the greatest returns!

Joshua's sharing: How to move up a new level in your biz
Joshua tells his story of how he transformed from a poor fellow to what he is today - a trader of 6 figure income per month! See how wrecked his car was in the past? If Joshua can do it, so can all of us!

Our top leaders - Arthur and Mei!

Arthur launched the new product - PUERAFIRM BREAST ENHANCEMENT CREAM!

Arthur illustrating on how one product can carry along all other series of products in SAB. We have the Eumora bar, Puerafirm Breast Cream, Fibrena, Chloreana, NMA!

Our young and handsome CEO Steven Ng - announcing that now our bars have certified seals bearing tracking numbers and price tags. This is to differentiate our bars from illegal sellers out there in the markets - we had already found fake bars which are totally useless soaps. The price tags are to prevent price wars and track down traders with low integrity (who undercut the prices)!
Now the public will understand the market rates and can purchase safely! Isn't this a wonderful business to be in? It is so safe and transparent - all traders are protected from unfair competition! The company will always go all out to protect the interests of its traders!

Dr Wong from Sydney Australia - sharing his knowledge and his love for our detox food products! His family members are taking them too! He even taught us how to lead a healthy lifestyle and take a balanced diet supplemented with our detox products!

RECOGNITION TIME - Jet calling on all Executive Traders! After which we have Premier, Ambassador and Presidential Levels!

posted by: :D @ 1:06 PM
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